Saturday, January 15, 2011

Windy Day with Fieldfares, Bustards and others...

Went out today in the Kiskunsag region with a birder from the USA. It was overcast, a cold wind blew and the recently melted snow meant it was wet underfoot. But it was a great day with many flocks of handsome Fieldfares. We also found around 150 Great Bustards 125 in one group and 25 in another, the latter flying in front over us, so close we could see them opening and closing their beaks as they powered along. Other birds included 2 Rough-legged Buzzards, a Peregrine, 100s of Greater White-fronted and Greylag Geese, Great Grey Shrike and  at the end of the day Middle Spotted and Black Woodpeckers... yes, a windy day.

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