Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Last Frogs

Well, no need to panic! I don't mean the last frogs on the planet. No, I am not talking about extinctions here, just the frogs that I have seen recently, the last ones before they all hibernate for the winter. A few days ago I saw a rather lethargic European Tree Frog, crawling along a fish-pond dyke. Then a couple of slow Agile Frogs. Unusual that, I mean the "slow" bit. Agile Frogs are, as their name suggests, rather agile, with long legs and are great leapers and hence often hard to catch. But for some days now I have neither heard, nor seen any amphibians at all. Hopefully they are now all tucked up nicely in their sleeping quarters. I look forward to seeing them in the New Year!

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