Saturday, August 11, 2007

Birds, butterflies, dragonflies, reptiles, amphibians, plants

Well, my latest group was a real mixed bunch. Folks interested in all aspects of Hungary's wildlife. We saw 150 bird species, about 60 butterflies, over 30 dragonflies and various frogs, toads and other goodies. Highlights were a late, bright, Aquatic Warbler, superb and close views of feeding Eastern Imperial Eagles, a large Grass Snake that I managed to catch, loads of Great Banded Graylings, a few striking Common Gliders, a Lesser Emperor dragonfly and... well, all kinds of things, too many, as they, to mention. Credit is due to everyone in the party, all of whom mingles in and shared their knowledge. We even had time to eat loads of Magyar home cooking and visit a wine cellar...

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